Binaural consulting
Lucie has been experimenting with taking her binaural for over 15 years. These years of research and development have enabled her to develop writing adapted to binaural content.
Today, she puts her expertise and know-how at the service of creation. Equipped with its Neumann KU100 head (possibility of having 2), she manages the sound recording of your project but also the editing and mixing (with the possibility of using synthesis tools), for the best audio rendering of your listeners.
Lucie supports you from the writing to the finalization of your projects, whether for podcast, live performance, audiovisual or events.
REMINDER : On this website, using headphones is strongly recommended!

Golden Comedy Club
Binaural recording on December 26, 2019, of ten comedians from the Golden Comedy Club at the Barbès Comedy Club: Paul Séré, Laura Domenge, Noman Hosni, Redouanne Harjane, Shirley Souagnon, Tania Dutel, Adrien Arnoux, Sophie Marie Larrouy, Ahmed Sparrow et Dédo.
Enquête criminelle M6 innovation
M6 Innovation Criminal Investigations
Virginie Henaff and Frédéric Grimaud of the M6 Innovation group contacted me to support them in the production of this audio podcast, an adaptation of the program Criminal Investigations with Marjorie Blériot and Patrick Rocher, actors.
Vidéo, durée 8’45, 2019
Brian FG Katz and David Poirier-Quinot, two renowned teachers / researchers from Institut ∂’Alembert (CNRS) gave me carte blanche to make a demo of their Anaglyph plugin.
After several weeks of work was born “Emily’s word”, a 100% binaural synthesis creation.
Presentation of Emily’s world
Video, 9’26, may 2020
By David Poirier Quinot
Emily’s world, making of
Video, 6’04, may 2020
By David Poirier Quinot