Binaural travelogue – sound library

Want to escape, listen to the world in binaural through Lucie’s sound travel books: strolls in the streets of New York, walk in the Cambodian forest, diving into the Court of Miracles in Cairo … From Africa to Asia through New York, Lucie takes us on a ride and shares her sonic encounters.
Ability to buy sounds, atmospheres and soundscapes from its sound library. If you are interested, contact Lucie.
Salamalekum Senegal
Salamalekum Sénégal
« Salamalekum Senegal » is a binaural soundtrack composed of sounds collected in January 2018 in different regions of Senegal.
A soundtrack punctuated by the Kora, the percussions of Goree Island, the muezzin, the song of birds… beautiful improvised and unpredictable moments punctuated by Senegalese humor.
A cairo ride
A cairo ride
This sound crossing of the Egyptian capital reflects my sensations in the Cairo miracle courtyard, a patchwork of lively lyrics, melodies, strange noises … This project was realized as part of the filming of the documentary film “Bodies in Cairo” directed by Pauline Burguin.
A ride in Manhattan
A ride in Manhattan
Sound trip through the streets of the Big Apple, on foot, by taxi, by subway, by car. Emblematic landmarks such as Union Square for its Farmer Market, an immigrant rights event, a crowd at Time Square, Washington Square, Central Park, stopping at the American Museum of Natural History for a multichannel exposure on birds. A musical ride at the Bowery Poetry Club, a jazz club, Harlem for a gospel mass, a trombone player under the Brooklyn Bridge…
Tour of Taiwan
Tour of Taiwan
A collection of soundscapes in different environments of Taiwan.
A cambodian ride
A cambodian ride
A collection of soundscpes in different Cambodian environments.